watch the stars crash in the sea..

Life is full of changes and surprises when you least expected.
Chance only comes once and goes once you let it go..
Believing in yourself is what makes you stronger..

Be strong, believe.

I feel so damnit crappy.. Succumbing to things not worth thinking for. So overwhelmed to emotions I can't even comprehend. Now, I don't even know how should I feel. Truths are hurting. But I don't really care. I'm so used to all the hurt.. I'm like a cancer-stricken patient beyond cure.. A sad song, with nothing to say. I haven't felt this way for a long long time.. After 2 months, I'm struck with emoism again.. I guess it would take me a few more years... I'm seriously hating it.

Someday we'll know..
If I can ask God just one question... Why aren't you here with me...



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